The family portal, powered through FACTS, provides access to student records and allows parents to manage their personal information, including applications and enrollment.
Log in with your credentials using the button below - use district code HSE-TX.
If you misplaced your username or password, contact Brian Smith to reset your account.
Please review the school handbook to understand the various policies and procedures. This guide includes protocols, operations and routines for students and parents to follow. Keep in mind this handbook is subject to change so if you download this version, make sure to check back for the most recent copy.
Student health records must be submitted by the first day of school. Health forms are managed/submitted through Magnus Health which is integrated into FACTS Parent Portal. Log into your FACTS Parent Portal, use the left side menu and chose "Student", then chose "Medical" to access the Magnus Health portal where all required forms and records should be submitted.
A parents and a physician must sign the Health Form before the beginning of each school year. A copy of the the child's Immunization Records signed by their physician is required every school year as well.
Both forms are required for all students, infants to 8th grade. Your child will not be admitted to school until the Health Form and the Immunization Records have been submitted through the online portal.
Middle School students who participate in school athletics must provide a Sports Physical Evaluation and Authorization Form. Complete the form and return it to the Athletics Department.
Parents must submit these forms by the first day of school for students to be eligible for sports.
HSES requires a daily uniform for students in the twos classes through 8th grade. For the 2024-25 school year, please use the below guide to see grade level specific uniform requirements. Holy Spirit's uniform provider is Flynn O'Hara Uniforms. Use the button below to shop the HSES store online, or visit their local Houston location.
Visit Flynn O'Hara Uniforms at:
1022 Wirt Road Suite 322
Houston, TX 77055
Hours & Location
2024-25 Uniform Guidelines Shop Flynn O'Hara Online
HSES uses assigned colors for carpool tags that must be displayed in the car window during pickup. The colors are assigned by division:
- Yellow = EC (Infants, Toddlers, Twos)
- Orange = PS (Primary 3, Primary 4, Bridge)
- Green = LS (Kindergarten - 4th grade)
- Blue = MS (5th - 8th grade)
Late Arrivals and Early Pickup
Once carpool has ended in the morning, an adult must accompany their child to the front office to officially sign them in for the day for all divisions, Early Childhood - Middle School. Parents can park in the main parking lot located on Perthshire Road and walk to the front office.
To avoid interruptions during instructional time, please avoid picking up earlier than dismissal time, unless necessary. Early pickups must occur at the front office for all divisions, Early Childhood - Middle School. For pickup changes or special instructions, email or call the school office before 3:00PM.
Arrival Instructions
7:15 a.m. schedule: students may arrive for carpool from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m. Parents must park and escort their child to the EC office if they arrive after 8:30 a.m.
8 a.m. schedule: students may arrive for carpool between 8 and 8:30 a.m. After 8:30 a.m. parents must park and escort their child to the EC office. Due to staff limitations, EC is not equipped to accept children before 8 a.m.
- Enter the EC carpool line from Tallowood Road. If the line extends to the street, cars can wait on the side of Tallowood Road until the circle drive clears up.
- Parents will help children in and out of their car.
- Allot extra time in schedule and patience for arrival and dismissal.
- Do not park in the circle drive during morning and afternoon carpool.
- Staff members will wait by the EC circle drive from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m. to safely escort children into the school.
- Enter the carpool line from Tallowood Road and move car to the most forward position.
- Take children and belongings out of the vehicle and wait by the sidewalk for a teacher to escort them into the building.
- Arrivals after 8:30 a.m. must check in through the EC office.
Dismissal Instructions
3 p.m. schedule: students will be ready for carpool from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m.
6 p.m. schedule: parents that pick up after 3:15 p.m. must park and enter the EC building to retrieve their child from the classroom.
- Enter the carpool line from Tallowood Road and drive up to the most forward position at designated pickup time for these schedules:
- School-day carpool time: 2:45 to 3:15 p.m.
- Display the yellow carpool tag issued by the school at dismissal. If you did not receive a carpool tag, contact the front office.
- Help to place children safely into the car.
- After 3:15 p.m., parents must park in the circle drive, enter through the designated door in the EC building and pick up children by the classroom door.
Arrival and Dismissal
- Arrival and dismissal take place at the same location on Perthshire Road.
- Morning carpool takes place between 7:40 and 8:00 a.m. with assigned faculty to escort students to their designated classrooms.
- Students may arrive at school by 7:40 a.m. for carpool.
- P3 ,P4, and Bridge students must be in their classroom by 8:00 a.m.
- Afternoon carpool is scheduled from 3:05 to 3:25 p.m.
- Early bird care is available from 7:15 to 7:40 a.m. Enter through Perthshire Road and pull up to the library doors for a teacher to help unload your child and escort them to the Library.
- Enter the carpool line from Perthshire Road.
- Students should only exit the car upon arrival at unloading zones.
- Parents should move their cars to the most forward position and avoid gaps in the line.
- Students must exit on the safe side of the car, away from traffic.
- Parents must remain in the car when the student is entering or exiting the car.
- Display the orange carpool tag issued by the school at dismissal. If you did not receive a carpool tag, contact the front office.
Arrival and Dismissal
- Arrival and dismissal take place at the same location on Tallowood Road.
- Morning carpool takes place from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. with assigned faculty to monitor student arrivals.
- Students may arrive at school by 7:30 a.m. for carpool.
- K-4th students must be in their classroom by 8:00 a.m.
- Afternoon carpool is scheduled from 3:30 to 3:45 p.m.
- Early bird care is available from 7:15 to 7:30 a.m. Enter through Perthshire Road and pull up to the library doors for a teacher to help unload your child and escort them to the Library.
- Enter the carpool line from Tallowood Road.
- Students must be ready to exit the car upon arrival at unloading zones.
- Parents should move their cars to the most forward position and avoid gaps in the line.
- Students must exit on the safe side of the car, away from traffic.
- Parents must remain in the car when the student is entering or exiting the car.
- Display the green carpool tag issued by the school at dismissal. If you did not receive a carpool tag, contact the front office.
Arrival and Dismissal
- Arrival and dismissal take place at the same location on Tallowood Road.
- Morning carpool takes place from 7:30 to 7:45 a.m. with assigned faculty to monitor student arrivals.
- Students may arrive at school by 7:30 a.m. for carpool.
- 5th-8th students must be in their classroom by 7:50 a.m.
- Afternoon carpool is scheduled from 3:30 to 3:45 p.m.
- Early bird care is available from 7:15 to 7:30 a.m. Enter through Perthshire Road and pull up to the library doors for a teacher to help unload your child and escort them to the Library.
- Enter the carpool line from Tallowood Road. *Please note the change in location from previous years.
- Students must be ready to exit the car upon arrival at unloading zones.
- Parents should move their cars to the most forward position and avoid gaps in the line.
- Students must exit on the safe side of the car, away from traffic.
- Parents must remain in the car when the student is entering or exiting the car.
- Display the blue carpool tag issued by the school at dismissal. If you did not receive a carpool tag, contact the front office.
View our approved school calendar to plan ahead for student holidays and other important dates. School events can be found using the calendar button below. This calendar is updated frequently when events are added or updated.
2024-25 School Calendar 2025-26 School Calendar Events Calendar
We know starting school can be full of questions, especially for our youngest Saints. Our Head of Early Childhood has put together a list of some of the commonly asked questions EC parents have when starting at HSES. Check them out using the button below. If you still have questions, please reach out to [email protected].
Students may bring lunch from home or purchase a hot lunch from Road Runner Foods. Road Runner Foods provides healthy, hot lunch options for students. Parents may order for a week or a month but note that orders must be submitted by Wednesday of the previous week.
Lunches cost $5.75 for regular size meals and $7.00 for large size meals. Road Runner Foods also offers several lunch alternatives in addition to the main entree. A Boxed Lunch option is also offered daily for $7.50.
Sign up at using the button below and use HSES registration number 125350. More detailed instructions can be found below.
Lunch Direct Registration Registration Instructions
HSES uses Kidventure for our afterschool care program for students in Primary through Middle School. Kidventure provides an environment that provides all students an amazing place to finish their day. Kidventure emphasizes the importance of academics, sportsmanship, respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for our community through a fun, active, and engaging curriculum. Kidventure runs from 3:00 - 6:00 PM Monday - Friday except on school holidays.
To learn more and to register using the button below.
During the school year, HSES sends out a weekly parent newsletter with important information, dates, and reminders. To ensure you are receiving the newsletter, please make sure your email address is up-to-date in your FACTS Family Portal. View past issues of the newsletter below. Questions regarding the parent newsletter can be directed to [email protected].